Susie Dent

Susie Dent

Speaker Susie Dent is an excellent communication expert, lexicographer, business author and language researcher.
As a communications maven and English language expert, Speaker Susie Dent pinpoints the power of precise language and the value of using jargon across business and personal contexts that enable leaders to transfer their purpose effortlessly and memorably.

Susie Dent is a warm, considered and fascinating speaker who weaves entertaining yet educational stories into her presentations that are drawn from a lifetimes observation where and when language has both helped and hindered.

Her keynotes have a fun and interactive element too: with Countdown inspired games and activities that bring her message to life for audiences. Susie's sessions enable organisations and management teams to refine their own messages and effectively improve the way they communicate.

Companies all over the world face daily challenges in communicating effectively with their staff and customers. Different demographic nuances, industry-specific lingo and personal interpretations of meaning are all potential barriers to success. Speaker Susie Dent gives people a new appreciation as to the value that precise language brings, suggesting ways in which they can integrate her approaches into more powerful word choices across different relationships. and powers of influence.

Past clients include Axa, The Gateway Alliance, Google, Adobe, King (makers of Candy Crush Saga) and MAG Interactive, all who have benefited from Susies unique take on the words we choose.

Susie is also a spokesperson for the Oxford English Dictionary and has written several books including What Made the Crocodile Cry and her most recent book: Dents Modern Tribes.

Having a good vocabulary is more than knowing lots of words. Similar to knowing ones market, knowing ones linguistic audience and how to deploy Susie's advice is powerful tool to expand how people trust you.
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Speaker Susie Dent pinpoints the power of precise language and the value of using jargon across business.

As a true mental philosopher, Susie Dent has an experienced passion for language, how people respond to it, change it, own it, and how engaged leaders and phenomenally motivated business people use it for maximum effect.

Her sessions also help to gather internal feedback, enabling a leadership or management team to refine their own messages and the way they communicate them.

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