Kate Atkin
Inspirational speaker on the Imposter Syndrome
Experienced by over 70% of people at some point, but talked about by few.
The number one fear of CEOs (HBR 2015).
And it's not really a syndrome...
Kate Atkin is a researcher, author and inspirational speaker on the topic of the Imposter Syndrome (it's technically a phoenomenon!). With over 20 years expereience as a speaker, a Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association and several awards to her name, she makes a connection with her audiences that leaves them feeling energised and empowered.
Whether you are looking for a keynote, a one-hour interactive, inspirational session or a longer facilitated workshop Kate covers all of these. While her main topic, and current area of research is the Imposter Phenomenon in the workplace, she has an MSc in Positive Psychology and regularly speakers on Positive Leadership, the Science of Happiness, Imapct and Influence as well as a variety of other topics. Get in touch for more details.
"Kate is a incredible presenter and one of the best communicators I have ever interviewed."
Dr Isaiah Hankel
"Kate is like no other speaker we have worked with, she is truly inspirational. She shares her vulnerabilities with her audience and examples of the imposter phenomenon to bring to life some of the theory which helps people with practical coping mechanisms she is empowering"
Janine Menasakanian, Vanguard Asset Management
Her work covers three broad areas:
- Confidence
- Clarity
- Communication
and links to Leadership, Management and much more besides.
Kate is author of The Confident Manager and The Presentation Wokout and co-author of The Business of Professional Speaking.