Sarah Hopwood

Sarah Hopwood

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Price from: £ 200


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Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Teaching leaders how to thread EQ throughout all their processes - including Agile Working
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An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

This is for those who know (or think they know) little of EQ - most know more than they think. This is a basic introduction not only to the merits of EQ but also why it is so important to business in a world of AI
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Human Response to Change - driving the change you want!

My belief system says that the biggest barrier to change is not so much about people digging their heels in - it is more about fear of the unknown, loss of identity and not understanding why they feel the way they do. Long-term staff could be looking for a smooth ride into retirement I know, but many are acting with good intentions and there is usually a small core who are fully behind the change. EQ can drive through the change cycle - speeding up the time-line and identifying those sabotaging etc
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Building an Effective Team that thinks and behaves emotionally intelligently

This session will talk through an 8 week cycle, look at all the elements found in a good team and also goes through some of the 'do's and 'don't's'. We would need to talk through all you are looking for and craft a bespoke session in line with your needs
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Stress Management and Mindfulness

We all need stress - if we don't have it then we create it. The art of dealing with stress is to make sure rather than hurt it - to help it make us stronger. Depending on the length of the session and audience - presentation or workshop - Sarah will make this as interactive as possible.

All talks/sessions have supporting Mindshop IP (manuals, diagnostics and handouts)

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