Andy Lopata

Andy Lopata

Labelled ‘Mr Network’ by The Sun, Called 'one of Europe’s leading business networking strategists' by the Financial Times.
The coauthor of two books on networking, Andy's third book, Recommended: How to Sell Through Networking and Referrals, was published by Financial Times Prentice Hall in 2011.

Andy writes for a number of business magazines in the UK as well as being quoted in the media both in the UK and overseas.

For eight years, Andy was Managing Director of UK network Business Referral Exchange. Since selling that business in 2007, Andy has regularly spoken internationally and worked with companies from one-man bands to organisations such as HSBC, BP and GlaxoSmithKline to help them realise the full potential from their networking.

He is also a Fellow and former vice-president of the Professional Speaking Association, a Fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute and a Master of the Institute of Sales Management.

From a small group to large audiences, Andy takes an unusual approach of immediate audience interaction. Andy's unique method of presentation and philosophical approach builds the confidence of his audience, helps them to genuinely understand networking, how to build a successful networking or referrals strategy, how to influence key stakeholders and how to support each other.

In his interactive sessions Andy's style also helps the audience to break down barriers and meet each other, sparking conversation between delegates. The experiential learning process ensures audiences discuss some of the topics covered, rather than simply taking notes.
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Price from: £ 3,000


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...It''s Who Knows You

For many people networking is simply about passing out business cards at events or collecting contacts online. More successful business people, however, realise that it's a far more strategic tool with a big impact on many areas of their business or career.

How much could you accomplish with the help of your network...

- for your business?

- in your current role?

- in your career?

How much are you achieving at the moment?

This session is designed to enable participants to understand the power of their network, surround themselves with people who will support them at each turn and influence how other people see them. It can be run as a 45 minute talk or 90 minute interactive session.

What participants will learn:

Why networking is important both for business or career development
How to manage their personal brand and what people say about their business
The importance of mentor and peer group support
How a strong network can help you achieve more effective results and a lower cost of sale
The power of Six Degrees of Separation and how to connect with anyone through your network
What participants will discuss with their peers:

What do they want to be known for and who by?
What challenges do they face in their business or in their career?
How they can use their network to make key connections

There was a buzz of anticipation around this event as Andys previous talk to our members last year had been incredibly well received. Once again, Andy certainly didnt disappoint! Our audience was captivated by the engaging way in which Andy delivered his networking tips and they went away inspired, having not only learnt new approaches to networking but also how they could use their networks effectively. Thank you!
Sarah Thackray, Service Network

I worked another successful networking event for SMEs last Thursday with Andy as the main speaker. Once again he worked his normal magic on the audience and very quickly dispelled some (if not all) of those well-worn myths, mistakes and cliches traditionally associated with 'successful' networking.

This was undertaken with a select group of small to medium business owners. We have already had rave reviews back with many saying it's the best networking seminar and event they've ever attended, and many others waxing lyrical how he got through to them via easy-to-understand messages and exercises. I would wholeheartedly recommend Andy to any business (whatever size) who need to understand exactly why connecting is not enough!
Glen Addis, East London Business Place
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How to Use LinkedIn as a Referral Tool

Social media has exploded in popularity as a business tool in recent years and LinkedIn has been at the heart of that explosion. A large number of business people now have profiles on LinkedIn, but how many truly understand how to use it effectively?

Who this is for

Although particularly of use for those with a business development responsibility, from owner-managers to sales teams, everyone in a business should understand how they can use LinkedIn to find new connections to benefit the company.

Particularly recommended for sales teams, company directors and entrepreneurs.

What you will learn

Where the power of LinkedIn really lies
How to put together an effective profile to attract key prospects
Who you should and shouldnt connect to
How to raise your profile and connect with key influencers in your prospects industries
The difference a good testimonial can make, and what it should say
How to search for key connections through your existing network
How to ask for referrals through LinkedIn
By the end of the session, participants will understand the simple steps they need to take to set up an effective LinkedIn profile and how they can generate substantial new business with just a small time investment every week.

Can be delivered as a 45 minute keynote or 90-120 minute interactive session
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Make the Room Work for You - An Introduction to Networking

Does the word 'networking' simply leave you cold? Do you avoid all networking opportunities if you possibly can?

Do you understand the value of networking and networks and do you know how your own network can help you develop your business, achieve your goals and progress your career?

When you go along to a networking event, do you find yourself standing on your own, talking to your work colleagues and watching the time wondering when you can leave?

An interactive group session that focuses on developing a strategy and some of the key skills which make networking so much more effectiveand enjoyable.
Who this is For: This is aimed at people who are new to networking or who still feel uncomfortable at an event. This session can also be used as a useful refresher course for those well versed in networking.

Ideal for sales teams who will be attending events together, to encourage them to keep apart at the event!
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Conference Chairman

Every Conference thrives with the help of a Chairman who can involve and inform the delegates, ensure the speakers can look their best and ties together the information covered to deliver the key messages to the delegates.

Andy brings his experience of networking and speaking to the platform when Chairing conferences and works hard to understand what the speakers are covering and what the organiser wants to achieve to ensure a memorable experience for the delegates.
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How NOT to Get Referrals

With growing competition and more demands on budgets, it's becoming harder and harder to win new business. Yet still so many sales people leave potential new revenues untapped and unexplored.

The reason is very simple. Across a range of industries, referral strategies range from tired and predictable to passive to simply non-existent. A large number of sales people and business owners become complacent when it comes to referrals and simply expect them to appear. Networking is still treated as a skill, not a core business strategy. Where referrals strategies do exist they tend to be lazy, poorly timed and ineffective.

As a result, potential new business simply goes elsewhere.

In this talk, Andy will share with you the key mistakes he sees practiced by so many unsuccessful companies time and time again. The mistakes that ensure that they don't get anywhere near as many referrals as they should.
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Connected Leadership

Why is networking relevant to top leaders? How can you make a difference by connecting with connecting with key employees, stakeholders, influencers and others?

Andy interviewed a number of top leaders on why networking is so important to them and in this presentation he shares their thoughts, combined with his experience of the power of networks.

What You Will Learn

The role networking plays in successful businesses
How to identify your brand as a leader
Why your values need to be congruent with the values of your organisation
How your network can communicate your brand and your values
The importance of mentoring
The role of strategic alliances
How your network can keep you in tune with what is happening in your company, in your industry and beyond
The importance of long term relationships
In addition, in the interactive talk delegates at your event will have the opportunity to introduce themselves to each other in a safe and constructive environment and start interesting conversations which will help them identify what they have in common and build rapport.

Can be delivered as a 30-45 minute talk or 90 minute interactive session.

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Bigger Than You - The Hidden Power of Your Network

What the audience will gain from this session:

You can't do it all on your own.

Whatever you think about your abilities, and whatever you'd like other people to think, you will achieve so much more in your career, in your role and for your business if you're open to the support of others. Yet, unfortunately, whether because of time pressures, the need to save face or sheer lack of focus, very few of us achieve anywhere near the level of success that our network could help us reach.

This session is designed to help you change that. Over the course of this presentation, we look at:

Why we don't like to let anyone help us
The importance of a trusted network and where to find it
When and where to share
The role of mentors and sponsors
Mastermind groups
How networks can give us key business intelligence
Innovating and creating new ideas with the help of our network
The support offered through online networks

What the organisation will gain from this session:

Participants in this session will go away with a much clearer focus on how to harness the power of their network to find answers, to challenge them and to drive their career or business to the next level.

As we move from a society where experts hoard knowledge and towards a more 'networked' or 'social' age of collaboration and information sharing, the culture of many organisations needs to shift and this is being recognised across a number of industries. Lack of an immediate answer is no longer routinely dismissed as a 'weakness' but nor is not knowing enough. It's important to develop a trusted network to help to find the answer.

This presentation provides the foundation block to putting that new, inclusive and supportive culture into place. Letting employees know that it's OK to ask for support and encouraging them to be honest about their shortcomings, while empowering them to do something about it.

More openness and honesty within an organisation can lead to:

Better performance from individuals and across the organisation
Greater employee engagement
Support for leaders who may feel isolated in their roles
Increased innovation
Can be delivered as a keynote speech or longer interactive presentation, it can work on an organisational/leadership level or as a wider piece across the organisation or for specific teams.
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The Networking Mindset

Invite people to a networking event and many will find any excuse not to go. Images fill our minds of people exchanging business cards and elevator pitches over cold canapes and warm wine. Many feel uncomfortable approaching strangers, struggle to know what to say or lack the confidence to talk to senior people.

Yet strong networks provide a foundation for a successful career and events are a key tool in helping us to build those networks and deepen the relationships within them.

How then, can we overcome our hesitation, enjoy networking events and ensure that they are productive?

In a brand new interactive presentation, Andy Lopata will explore the networking mindset, looking at what you need to think about to get the most out of your networking. You wont just learn from Andys presentation, youll network throughout, putting Andys suggestions into action.

Andy's 'The Networking Mindset' networking event was fascinating. I've been to loads of networking events over the years which are always full of people who don't quite know why they're there.... myself included. Really enjoyed it, and would highly recommend.
Nicholas Harkin, Head of Risk & Governance at Close Brothers Retail Finance
You created a nice WARM atmosphere and at the same time you kept the tension alive : the one we can experience when we are networking (a bit anxious, talking about yourself, wanting to be somewhere else ...) We could FEEL that members were building a rapport with you. So it was not Facilitator and Audience but an interactive dynamic. Not only because of the activities but because of the way you were interacting with us - A bit difficult to describe but it felt as if you were part of the game, yet facilitating the event, providing some "theory" but along with the practice. I liked this very much - not often the case.

Instead of using facilitating, maybe I would say that you were harmonising our experience, putting words on it so that we can understand what is going on at our end, and then giving advice, tips. So the bit in the middle is what made your approach different from a lot of networking sessions I have attended!

There was no feeling of lecturing at all... which is also rare considering that you have written books. You never retrench in your knowledge. I would describe this as your ability of being present in what's going on... You work with "what is going on right now" not what you have in your books... not to say you don't use it but it is not your starting point.

One thing I need to repeat because it was particularly good : the transition between all activities were very smooth. As an audience we don't experience "breaks".

So Andy a big THANK YOU!I

Armelle Cressent, Women in Banking and Finance Networks
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Being Social… Navigating the Online Networking Jungle

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, Instagram...

The list is seemingly endless. Every day new social networking sites are formed and invitations to create another profile appear in our inboxes. In a world where digital communications mean ever growing demands on our time, how do we decide which social networks we should join, and how can we possibly justify the time needed to use them effectively?

In his talk Andy will share a simple approach to deciding which online networks are right for you and how to decide just what role they will play in your business or career.

Online networking offers so much more than sharing a picture of your latest cup of tea. With the right degree of focus they can be a fantastic business tool, offering valuable shortcuts, answers, brand building and introductions.

But without a clear idea of why you should engage with them you might as well just have a break and a cuppa.

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