Explore the huge range of next generation Low Carbon Technologies that are available today that are moving us into the low carbon future. In this session, we explore some of the worlds most cutting-edge environmental technologies (Clean Tech). All of the products are examples of best practice practicality and cost effectiveness as this is key to successful integration into our homes and businesses.
Some technologies that I can speak about include Photo Voltaic Thermal (PV-T), Interseasonal Earth Energy Bank (EEB), Deep Geothermal, Multi-source heat pumps etc.
"We don't walk into a car dealership and ask a mechanic to put the pieces of a car together but this is exactly what we do with the majority of our buildings" -Jae Mather
Modular, off-site, prefabricated buildings are steadily becoming ever more common in the world of construction. They are able to offer high levels of quality, consistency and cost control by reducing the risks associated with putting the pieces together on site. On average around 10% of the new construction materials used in building a house end up in the land-fill. For every 10 houses were effectively throwing away a new house. Prefabrication reduces the amount of waste tremendously while at the same time derisking time delays on site. Upcycling, recycling, and circular economy are now featuring as shipping containers are being turned into low cost, high quality, very high-speed housing.
Sustainable housing is becoming all the rage with steadily strengthening building requirements becoming the norm. Air tightness, increased insulation, sustainable materials, and renewable energy are now beginning the move into the center ground in construction. Regenerative Housing www.regenvillages.com "the future of living" is transformational as it creates communities that are largely self-sufficient not only in their energy requirements but also in producing a significant proportion of their food and water, while also managing their own organic waste on site.