Dr Dionysios Demetis
Speaker on Risk, Cyber Security, Anti-Money Laundering & a host of other (controversial) topics!
Dr Dionysios Demetis started out in Physics and is an expert on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Information Systems.
He obtained a PhD on AML from the London School of Economics where he also taught on Information Systems Management, Security and Methodology. While at the LSE, he contributed widely to a number of research deliverables for the European Commission, but most importantly to the domain of Anti-Money Laundering for the Spotlight EU project, as well as the GATE EU Project targeting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. His research on the Risk-Based Approach to Anti-Money Laundering and the 3rd EU Directive has been featured in the IMOLIN select bibliography of the United Nations while his research on Data Growth and the Consequences to Anti-Money Laundering has won the Emerald Highly Commended Award from the Journal of Money Laundering Control.
Dionysios has authored a large number of AML research deliverables for the European Commission and the Future of Identity for the Information Society (FIDIS) for which he was a Convenor of its Steering Group. Additionally, he is the author of two books and numerous journal publications. His book on AML entitled "Technology and Anti-Money Laundering" is the first book to provide a coherent theoretical structure for AML research and practice, based on Systems Theory. According to reviews, this book makes a great contribution to our understanding of anti-money laundering at both a systems and practical level.
Dionysios also has a passion for systems theory, science and the paradoxes of knowledge discovery processes. He spent six years co-authoring a book with LSE Professor Ian Angell, entitled "Sciences First Mistake" that deconstructs the process of knowledge discovery and theory construction on the basis of observation, paradox, delusion and self-reference. Sciences First Mistake is published worldwide and constitutes a full-frontal attack to our cerebral addiction to Scientific Truth and the Delusion of Objectivity.
He has given a large number of talks on Anti-Money Laundering, Cybersecurity and other topics across Europe/US; speaks regularly at Cambridge Universitys Annual Economic Crime Symposium; has shared a panel in an I-4 meeting on Data Mining Financial Transactions and Manipulating Big Data (before Data became Big) with H.Schmidt (former Special Assistant to President Obama on CyberSecurity); was asked to give feedback to the House of Lords on the Procurement and Innovation Technologies Bill; and was asked to compose the music for the Anthem for the Society of Spacetime Physics.