Dr Dionysios Demetis

Dr Dionysios Demetis

Speaker on Risk, Cyber Security, Anti-Money Laundering & a host of other (controversial) topics!
Dr Dionysios Demetis started out in Physics and is an expert on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Information Systems.

He obtained a PhD on AML from the London School of Economics where he also taught on Information Systems Management, Security and Methodology. While at the LSE, he contributed widely to a number of research deliverables for the European Commission, but most importantly to the domain of Anti-Money Laundering for the Spotlight EU project, as well as the GATE EU Project targeting Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. His research on the Risk-Based Approach to Anti-Money Laundering and the 3rd EU Directive has been featured in the IMOLIN select bibliography of the United Nations while his research on Data Growth and the Consequences to Anti-Money Laundering has won the Emerald Highly Commended Award from the Journal of Money Laundering Control.

Dionysios has authored a large number of AML research deliverables for the European Commission and the Future of Identity for the Information Society (FIDIS) for which he was a Convenor of its Steering Group. Additionally, he is the author of two books and numerous journal publications. His book on AML entitled "Technology and Anti-Money Laundering" is the first book to provide a coherent theoretical structure for AML research and practice, based on Systems Theory. According to reviews, this book makes a great contribution to our understanding of anti-money laundering at both a systems and practical level.

Dionysios also has a passion for systems theory, science and the paradoxes of knowledge discovery processes. He spent six years co-authoring a book with LSE Professor Ian Angell, entitled "Sciences First Mistake" that deconstructs the process of knowledge discovery and theory construction on the basis of observation, paradox, delusion and self-reference. Sciences First Mistake is published worldwide and constitutes a full-frontal attack to our cerebral addiction to Scientific Truth and the Delusion of Objectivity.

He has given a large number of talks on Anti-Money Laundering, Cybersecurity and other topics across Europe/US; speaks regularly at Cambridge Universitys Annual Economic Crime Symposium; has shared a panel in an I-4 meeting on Data Mining Financial Transactions and Manipulating Big Data (before Data became Big) with H.Schmidt (former Special Assistant to President Obama on CyberSecurity); was asked to give feedback to the House of Lords on the Procurement and Innovation Technologies Bill; and was asked to compose the music for the Anthem for the Society of Spacetime Physics.
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Price from: £ 1,500


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Science’s First Mistake

Intended for a general and educated audience, this talk is based on the popular book of the speaker "Science's First Mistake: Delusions in Pursuit of Theory", published worldwide by Bloomsbury. Usually delivered in 45 minutes, this talk is a general (philosophy of) science talk and a rather cerebral experience. The speaker will discuss the general trajectory of science and the paradoxes that lurk around every corner of scientific discovery, motivating the audience to think outside of the 'box' (if there is a box!). This talk is also great as a controversial after-dinner talk.

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