Pollyanna Hale

Pollyanna Hale

Fitness Influencer and Weight Loss Coach for Mums
Pollyanna Hale is an award winning weight loss coach to Mums. A certified personal trainer with Nutrition qualifications through the Association for Nutrition, Pollyanna's unique approach to health eating, exercise and weight loss has landed her as a regular contributor to National Media.

Newspaper credits include the Daily Mail and The Sun, Magazines include Mother and Baby Magazine and Fit and Well Magazine, Radio includes LBC and BBC 3 Counties and TV appearances include Sky News and BBC News.

Polly has spoken at numerous health and fitness events to both the public and other fitness professionals, including Dame Kelly Holmes' Refresh Festival, Fit As A Fiddle Festival and Women In Fitness Empowerment, as well as to businesses, around the connection between physical health and productivity.

Polly's approach to healthy living puts families first. Motherhood is incredibly overwhelming (Polly has two Primary school age daughters herself) and what fits into singleton or child-free life just doesn't apply once kiddies come along. Me time? Forget it! But us Mums matter too and Polly is on a mission to inspire Mums everywhere to make themselves and their health a priority. A healthy, happy Mum = healthy happy kids; it's a win win situation. But it isn't easy when in today's social media era we're surrounded by rock hard abs and petal covered smoothie bowls - how is a sleep deprived working Mum supposed to relate to that?

Thankfully having both the body and body confidence you want isn't nearly as hard as you think; it just takes a bit of out-of-the-box thinking and approaches from a Mum who's been there and understands. The same methods can also be applied to anyone who feels their life, work, and lack of me-time are getting in the way of achieving their health goals.

Polly's own passion for health stems from a very dark time in her life when she was severely ill with anorexia and depression, leading to three hospitalisations, one under a section. It took years of soul searching for Polly to find the inner strength to recover, and today stays fit and well despite being on the Bipolar spectrum without medication - attributing this to exercise, fresh air, sleep, sunlight, good food and doing things that make her happy. Polly can also talk about mental health and eating disorders from an insider's perspective, whether in the context of the health & fitness industry or elsewhere.
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