Adrian Furnham

Adrian Furnham

A world authority on psychologic management
Professor Adrian Furnham was educated at the London School of Economics, and at Oxford University where he completed his doctorate (DPhil) in 1981.

Previously a lecturer in Psychology at Pembroke College, Oxford, he is currently Professor of Psychology at University College London. He has lectured a great deal abroad at, among others, the University of New South Wales, as well as the University of the West Indies.

From 1999-2001 he was the Visiting Professor of Management at Henley Management College, and he was Visiting Professor at the Hong Kong University Business School.

Adrian Furnham has written a wide selection of books on leadership and management including Culture Shock (1994), The New Economic Mind (1995), Personality at Work (1994), The Myths of Management (1996), The Psychology of Behaviour at Work (1997), The Incompetent Manager (2003), The People Business (2005) Personality and Intellectual Competence (2005) Management Mumbo Jumbo (2006) and Just for the Money (2006).

Adrian Furnham is also a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and has been ranked the second most productive psychologist in the world 1985-1995. He is on the editorial board of several acclaimed international journals. He is the current elected President of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences. Additionally, he is the founder director of Applied Behavioural Research Associates (ABRA), a psychological consultancy.

He regularly writes for the Sunday Times as well as the Daily Telegraph and is a regular contributor to international radio and television segments.

Like Noel Coward, he believes work is more fun than fun and considers himself a well-adjusted workaholic. He rides his bicycle to work (as he has always done) and does not own a mobile phone.

He has advised numerous multinational corporations including Cathay Pacific Airways, Barclays Bank, Marks & Spencer, Air New Zealand, Channel Four, and the Ritz Hotel.

In 2007 he was nominated by HR magazine as one the top 25 Most Influential People in HR.
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At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:

How to define and describe EI
Understand why it is important in the workplace
How to measure EI in staff and applications
What we need to do to increase a persons EI
The costs of low EI score for senior managers
Fact and fiction written about EI
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At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:

An understanding of where talent comes from
How to define and measure ability talents
How to define and measure personality correlates of high ability
How to recruit, select, induct and manage High Flyers
The special needs of high flyers
Preventing derailment in high flyers
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At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:

The theory behind PMS
The essential skill set associated with PMS
How to measure all aspects of performance
How to conduct a progress review with staff
How to ensure staff are rated accurately and honestly
How to avoid PMS systems from failing
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At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:

How, when and why we need to assess people at work
The history of assessment of people
What methods are available: from biography to brain scans
Technique selection criteria: validity, cost, practicality generality, acceptability, legality.
Selecting IN and selecting OUT: how to define what you want in your staff and what you dont want
How tests are developed
Personality tests
Ability tests
Limitations of interviews, references, and application forms
Selecting High Flyers and those with potential
Tests for development
Fashions and fads
Neuroscience and the future of assessment

The session will allow people to complete and score three types of tests. They will also receive a copy of a new book on the topic.
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At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:

How to measure engagement in your staff
How to apply motivational techniques that work
How to train your managers in motivational methodology
How to design cheap and effective reward strategies
Simple but effective strategies to motivate staff
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At the conclusion of the Seminar you will understand:

The basic strategies used in successful negotiation
How to get information out of others
How best to present your case
The fundamental strategies used by advertisers, politicians and other persuaders, and how and when to apply them for your needs
The skills you need to work on
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At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand:

How to write a descriptive, psychological assessment of other people
Why individual differences exist and what they mean
How to deal with people who are different from you
How you can predict behavior once you know a persons profile
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At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand:

How to understand the change process and resistance to it
The advantages of six different strategies to bring about change
What needs to be done in the pre and post change launch period
How to avoid costly failures of change programmes that backfire
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At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand:

Your personal management style and its consequences
The three tasks of all managers
How to start strategic thinking initiatives
Dealing with ambiguity and stress
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At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand:

What are your potential strengths and how to engage with them
What are your real developmental needs and how to proceed
How you behave under-pressure
How to help your staff and colleagues achieve greater self-awareness
How to write and follow a developmental plan
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At the conclusion of the seminar you will understand:

What differentiates good from great leaders
The essential task of leadership and what you need to do differently
The importance of leadership in teams
The stress and loneliness of being at the top and what you can do about it
How to recruit and select great leaders
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At two day, practical, intensive course for all those who manage others.

Learning Outcomes:

Understanding of the why and when and the how of feedback at work.
Insight into your own personal style and how you come across to others.
The acquisition of very specific and relevant skills: questioning, counselling, listening, interpreting
Self-confidence in their personal skills and a real desire to go and deliver feedback to all their staff

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