Richard Watson

Richard Watson

Richard Watson is more than an author and futurist. He is also a scenario planner. This means he strives to help organizations think about and prepare for more than the expected future. He has worked with some of the worlds largest corporations and can help align to current trends or prepare for future events within just about any industry or field.

Richard Watson Author, futurist and scenario planner.

Richard Watson is a London-based writer, speaker and scenario planner with a particular focus on helping organisations to think further ahead. He is the founder of, a website that helps document global trends, futurist-in-residence at the Foresight Practice at Imperial College and a network member of Stratforma, a specialist scenario planning consultancy.

Richard has written five books including: Digital Vs. Human (2016); Future Files: 5 Trends for the Next 50 Years (2007); Future Minds: How the Digital Age is Changing Our Minds, Why This Matters and What We Can Do About It (2010). The Future: 50 Ideas you Really Need to Know (2012) and Future Vision: Scenarios for the World in 2040 (2012).

Richard has worked with many of the worlds largest organisations, including; Arla Foods, General Electric, IBM, KPMG, Ministry of Defence, McDonalds and Virgin.

The book to prepare you for the future! Richard Watsons Digital vs. Human

The book is about the rapidly developing world of artificially intelligent machines, robots, automation, screens and mobile devices and, in particular, who has the upper hand. However, it is also, fundamentally, about reality, meaning, purpose and what it means to be human. Richard Watson

To some extent the 21st century is not what we dreamed of on the 1960s - no lying cars or moon hotels. Rather, the beginning of this century seems to be all about online human interaction and self-depiction. Now, comes the next step. The next fifty years will be about the relationship between people and technologies created by a tiny handful of designers and developers. These inventions will undoubtedly change our lives, but the question is, to what end?

Futurist and keynote speaker Richard Watson finds accessible and fascinating answers in his new book Digital vs Human. The book, which is to be released on the 2nd of May, discusses the possible effects of technology on every area of our lives.

What do we want these technologies to achieve on our behalf? What are they capable of, and -- as they transform the media, the economy, healthcare, education, work, and the home -- what kind of lives do we want to lead?

Richard Watson hereby extends an exuberant invitation for us to think deeply about the world of today and envision what kind of world we wish to create in the future.
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The future (big picture overviews)

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Scenario planning

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The future of ... (almost anything)

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Innovation inside large organisations

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