Jason Fox

Jason Fox

Jason shows thinking senior leaders around the world how to pioneer new and meaningful progress (beyond the default—through uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, paradox and doubt) so as to attain the most worthy prize of all: enduring relevance.
Jason Fox is the bestselling author of 'How to Lead a Quest and The Game Changer', and in 2016 was awarded Keynote Speaker of the Year in Australia. He is also guildmaster of The Clevernessa humble networked enterprise that serves as a precursor to wisdom and a beacon for relevance. Through this, Jason hosts unique events, purvey peculiar products, and publish an independent print magazine.

Jason's clients include senior leadership teams around the world, from Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, PepsiCo, HP, Toyota, Johnson & Johnson, to other multinationals like KPMG, McDonalds, Beam-Suntory, Vodafone, Honda, Gartner, Telstra, Red Cross, Ricoh, Bupa, Tableau, GE, Xero and The International Institute of Research. Not to mention a goodly number of banks, world forums, telcos, software developers, universities, associations, and more.
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Beyond the Default: A Quest Beckons

TIMING: Ideal as an opening keynote.

Were up against a certain kind of Pavlovian conditioning that happens at events. All of the familiar patterns - the lanyards, the tables, the notebooks and mints, the programme, the music, the lighting and the clunky conference app - all contribute to the inevitable 'seen this before' torpor that afflicts experienced leaders. If we dont counter this, chunks of the audience will be stealth-checking emails, or simply staring into space whilst contemplating muffins.

And so, this keynote is designed to disrupt default thinking and behaviour, by getting folk into a space of enhanced self-awareness (and contemplation of their own patterns).

Then, having established this awareness at the individual level, we cast our focus on the collective. From here we deftly navigate through the otherwise invisible psychological hurdles of group think and bandwagonism, so that we might contemplate new possibilities beyond the default.

~ How default thinking may be creating a delusion of progress (and what to do about it)
~ How to cultivate the curiosity, empathy and quality thinking needed to stay relevant
~ How to use Quest-Augmented Strategy to ensure meaningful progress

Leaders who want to evoke fresher, bolder, braver and wiser thinking, so as to pioneer new progress (beyond incrementalism).
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Into The Storm: Pioneer ing through Uncertainty & Doubt

TIMING: Ideal somewhere in the middle of your event (this keynote evokes better questions and richer conversations, so timing this before a break is ace).

One of the biggest opportunities an event provides is the (head)space to have the conversations we dont otherwise get to have. To ponder what lies on the horizonthe opportunities, and the hidden threats that may disrupt our endeavours. Because leadership isnt getting any easier.

Conventional leadership-folklore serves a complicated yet predictable world. But now the world is complex and hard to predict, and, instantly accessible and shareable information is rewriting the future as quickly as it can be understood.

Leaders must contemplate confronting focal shifts: from centralised control to distributed authority, from robust planning to antifragile experimentation, from bureaucracy to responsiveness, and from profit-obsessed to purposedriven (and so forth).Such change behooves a refreshed leadership philosophy, enterprise strategy and culture. One thats fit for the storm, and a world less predictable.

~ What modern enterprises are doing to stay relevant today
~ How you can transition to a more agile and networked organisation
~ How to enable more considered, responsive and timely decisions across your enterprise

Senior executives seeking to further gird themselves for the future of leadership.
Also ace for emerging leaders (in a preparing for the new world sense).
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Change The Game: Rethink Motivation & Work

TIMING: This keynote works well at any point during the event (though possibly not as the openingits focus is a bit more pragmatic than it is contextual).

The longevity and actual impact of motivational presentationsonce we return to workis oft questionable.

Smart people require more than just a motivational pep talk. If you want your people to be the champions of your enterprise cultureand demonstrating the behaviours most aligned to your strategythen they ought understand the science behind what drives collective motivation.

And so, in this keynote, we unpack the elements of Motivation Designhighlighting the most effective levers your leaders can use to influence collective behaviour and culture. Motivating and insightful, naturally. But also: utterly practical for the modern leader.

~ How to ignite (and sustain) your teams motivation to do difficult and challenging work
~ How to maintain motivation and performance amidst uncertainty and change
~ How to establish work rituals that mitigate friction and ensure meaningful progress

Leaders, people managers and anyone seeking to shape and influence motivation and behaviour.
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Making Clever Happen: Unlock Meaningful Progress

TIMING: Naturally, this is an ideal closing keynote for your event.

The final, closing keynote is what marks the beginning of the transitionfrom what is essentially an artificial yet wondrously curated experience (the event)back to the complex and oft-frustrating world of work and life (their reality). This final keynoteif done wellcan create resonance for your whole event. Much like how a large gong, when struck, can create a deep and lingering effect.

Therefore, of course it must be inspiring. But it must also be useful in assisting folks with this transition. Too often I experience an events end with an inspirational speaker delivering a powerful story of success. And while this can be extremely inspiring in the moment, it runs the risk of creating too big a discrepancy and contrast between the event and the real world everyone needs to return to. The result? Success appears beyond reachand so nothing happens.

~ How to translate this intent into specific behaviours and visible momentum
~ How to navigate through the inevitable friction, resistance and the status quo, so as to ensure progress

All audiences, this keynote is much more focused on individuals looking to translate event inspiration into meaningful progress.

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